To possess a rapidly running site, you should have a clean and well crafted code. In the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a variety of instruments that can help you speed up your web site’s overall performance without having to revise anything with the code. The Website Accelerator Tools – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached won’t only help you to supply better streaming speeds to your guests and therefore cut down bounce rates, but could even push your site higher in the search engine rankings.

To work with the Website Accelerator Tools, just access your Web Hosting Control Panel and make an instance for the accelerator you need the most.


RAM–storing in place of database queries

In case you have a database–loaded web site or application, and if database queries usually lower the functionality, this can be really bothersome for the site visitors or the application users. Looking for a solution usually can require a considerable amount of time. However, in the LivingstoneIT Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a solution for you.

Memcached is an easy, yet highly effective distributed memory object caching system, that caches information and objects within the RAM. In this way, the database–saved information on your site will not need to be querried each time a website visitor loads the exact same page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–saving as opposed to HTTP queries

For those of you who have content–loaded dynamic web sites with plenty of pictures and also videos, you’ll most certainly have to make sure that your web pages work quickly for the visitors. An ideal instrument you should use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will help you boost your web sites without requiring that you have any specific computing abilities.

Varnish saves all calls towards the web server in the server’s memory and provides the webpages promptly to the visitor by making unnecessary completely new queries for the hosting server. By doing this, the pages on your website are going to be streamed 300 – 1000x times more quickly for your site visitors. Additionally, you can pick whether the incoming queries will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the web server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


Designed for building quick as well as adaptable applications

Web developers can use Node.js for establishing all types of cutting–edge and also cost–effective solutions like enterprise analytics, live applications and content management systems, just to name a few. It’s really fast and scalable and is also backed up by a proactive community that keeps advancing and supporting it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally takes advantage of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that produces the API adaptable and upgradeable. This brand–new formula permits web developers to fast put together top quality apps by only using a single language.

Hepsia File Manager